Green Up Day- Sat May 6th 2023

  • Road Crew Alert!

    Road Crew Alert: Montgomery folks! Please be aware that the garage is currently experiencing issues with some of the trucks- therefore you may experience some delays with the plowing schedule. While all roads are currently plowed and up to date as of today (1/3/25) please have patience and bear with them over the next few days as they work to resolve these issues as quickly as possible so they can get back to their normal routes.

Your town coordinators for 2023 are Parma Jewett and Jackie Doyle. Bags can be picked up at the Montgomery Town Library and on the day of at the Village Green. As a thank you to our volunteers this year there will be donuts, cinnamon rolls and drinks at the Town Garage, located at 1800 North Main Street, starting at 10:30AM. Contact Parma Jewett with questions: 326-4583