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Town Offices

  • Town Clerk
    Performs technical, administrative, and management work, and is responsible for overseeing town functions in the following areas: municipal record keeping & preservation; issuance of licenses and official documents; and, conduct of local, state, and federal elections.
  • Treasurer
    Manages the town’s accounts, reporting requirements, budget preparation, drawing of orders, and all other financial records.
  • Listers
    Primary role is to equitably appraise all real property in Town in compliance with applicate VT Statute. Assessment equity is the degree to which assessments bear a consistent relationship relative to fair market value.
  • Zoning Administrator
    Oversees zoning permits, bylaws, and regulations. Manages the issuance of permits, compliance letters, & bylaw violation notices. Acts as liaison to the Development Review Board for Zoning cases requiring further review and approval.

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