
HoursTAXES DUE: 11/14/2025 before 4pm

Town Clerk Office Hours: Click Here

Treasurer is available by Appointment
LocationPublic Safety Building
86 Mountain Rd. / VT-242
Montgomery Center, VT 05471
MailP.O. Box 356
Montgomery Center, VT 05471
Phone/ Email 802-326-4719, Ext 209. Visit our Municipal Directory.


  • Payment Options – Pay your water, tax, and other bills with a credit card, E-Check, or via bank ACH Transfer.

Due Dates

  • Local Taxes – Due annually 2nd Friday in November, payments must be received at our office by 4:00pm to be considered timely. Our Town Office holds extended hours on the November due date from 9am-4pm for the Collection of Taxes. Payments received after 4:00pm on the November deadline will be considered Delinquent and will be assessed Penalty (8%) & Interest (1%).
  • Please Note:
    • The August installment provided on your bill is optional.
    • Postdated checks are not accepted and will be returned to sender. Please date your checks with the current date on which they have been written.
    • Postmarks are not accepted. Please plan accordingly when sending payments via USPS or Bill Pay services from your financial institution.
  • Water Bills – Town water bill payments are due quarterly: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.
  • Current Year Tax Bills 24-25 – View Redacted Tax Bills for the current fiscal year (bills are in Alphabetical order after numerical entities- to make this a searchable PDF hit “Ctrl f” on your keyboard)