Make a Payment

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Pay online with a credit card or E-Check

(You must have a US bank account with a 9-digit routing number to use the electronic check option)

Making a Donation?

Click below to select the public entity you wish to donate to:

Pay In-Person / by Phone/ by Outdoor Drop-box

Town office staff can accept payments over the phone: 802-326-4719 & in-person at the Town Office located at 86 Mountain Road. Drop off payments or documents outside of office hours in our Town Office Drop-Box mounted to the left of the front door.

Please note: our Drop-Box will be checked at 4:00pm sharp on the Final Tax Deadline in November- payments submitted into the drop-box after 4pm on the final November tax deadline ARE delinquent and will be assessed penalty/interest fees.

Mailing your Check payment?

Send Tax/Water Payments to: Town of Montgomery PO Box 356 Montgomery CTR VT 05471. Remember to allow ample time for the US Postal system, Bill Pay, or UPS/Fedex services to deliver your items to our offices. WE DO NOT ACCEPT POSTMARKS OR POSTDATED CHECKS. Tax payments received by our offices after 4pm on the final November tax deadline are delinquent and will be assessed penalty/interest fees.

Pay via Bank Transfer

Arrange to have bills paid directly from a bank account (ACH) on the due date(s). Please contact the Town Clerk or Treasurer for details and/or to confirm receipt of all new submissions at least 2 weeks prior to the nearest due date.