
Municipal Directory

Find email, phone numbers, and meeting dates for boards, departments, and government officials in one single, regularly updated spreadsheet:

Town Offices

For in-person assistance, consider visiting your local town offices at 86 Mountain Rd, Montgomery Ctr VT 05471

Mailing Address

Send correspondence to: Town of Montgomery PO Box 356, Montgomery Ctr VT 05471


Email Updates
Join our mailing list to receive municipal news and documents (agendas, minutes, etc.) directly in your inbox.

VT-Alert is used by the state and local responders to notify the public of emergency situations.

Social Media

Facebook Group
Get updates from the Town Clerk after joining the Montgomery Bulletins group on Facebook.

Front Porch Forum
Front Porch Forum is a free community-building service in Vermont. Your neighborhood’s forum is only open to the people who live there. It’s all about helping neighbors connect.

Watch videos of municipal meetings and local events, courtesy of Northwest Access Television.