
Voting & Election FAQs

Am I eligible to vote?

Any person may register to vote in the town of his or her residence who, on Election Day:

1. is a citizen of the United States

2. is a resident of the state of Vermont and a resident of the town in which you apply to be added to the checklist

3. has taken, or has previously taken, the Voter’s Oath (formerly called the “Freeman’s Oath”)

4. is 18 years of age

Any person meeting the requirements above who will be 18 on or before the date of a general election may register and vote in the primary election immediately preceding that general election. See 17 V.S.A. § 2121.

For purposes of voter registration, the Vermont Statutes define residency as follows:

“Resident” shall mean a person who is domiciled in the town as evidenced by an intent to maintain a principal dwelling place in the town indefinitely and to return there if temporarily absent, coupled with an act or acts consistent with that intent. 17 V.S.A. § 2122(b).

Am I registered to vote?

Check your voter registration status anytime by accessing your My Voter Page or contact the Town Clerk.

Where do I vote in Montgomery?

Montgomery residents vote at the Town Hall located at 57 Main Street in Montgomery Center. Polling in Montgomery is open on Election days from 10:00am-7:00pm. On Election Days the Town Offices are closed while we are down at the Town Hall administering the Election. The Town Office is always CLOSED the day following an election for mandated reporting & post-election procedures.

How do I vote Early/Absentee?

Any registered voter may request and track the status of an early/absentee ballot by accessing Vermont’s “My Voter Page”. You may also request an early/absentee ballot directly from the Town Clerk via phone, email, or in person during office hours. Ballots can be mailed via USPS or picked up in person at the Town Office. Please Note: You can only pickup your OWN ballot you cannot by law take a ballot for anyone other than yourself–during pickup you may request a ballot for family members, and we will mail it to them. Absentee ballots may be returned via USPS, our Dropbox, or return your ballot to an Election Official on Election Day, up until the polls close at 7:00PM. You may use the same form to request ballots for both the March & August Primaries as well as local elections (if applicable). VT Absentee Ballot Request Form

When is the next Election?

Upcoming Elections in 2025:

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025: Northern Mountain Valley Unified Union School District Election & Town Meeting Day

Tuesday, April 1st 2025: Town Meeting Special Election Australian Ballot Vote: Charter Amendment

Do I need to request a Mail-in ballot for November Elections?

NO. You no longer have to request a mail-in (absentee) ballot for Statewide and Federal General Elections in November. Act 60 (signed June of 2021) 17 V.S.A. § 2537a: For every General Election, the Secretary of State’s office shall mail a general election ballot to all ACTIVE voters on the statewide voter checklist described in section 2154 of this title. The new law prescribes that the Secretary of State will automatically mail ballots to all active registered voters for every General Election on behalf of each Town/City in Vermont. The State will complete their ballot mailing by October 1st. You will be provided the ballot, a certificate envelope, and a pre-addressed return envelope. This process, also known as Early/Absentee voting, allows for you to vote from the comfort of your own home prior to Election Day.

Can I still vote in person in November?

YES. While the new law has made it a requirement for the State to mail out General Election ballots it does not mean that you must participate early. You may still show up to the polls if that is your preferred method of voting. {If you decide to vote in person save yourself an extra step by bringing your ballot with you to the polls; if you forget/lose/never received your ballot you will need to sign the ‘Affidavit of Lost/undelivered ballot’ before receiving a new ballot}

My mailing address has changed/I am new to Montgomery, what do I do?

If you have recently moved to Montgomery or have a new mailing address, please contact our offices to update your information by September 1st to ensure you are on the Statewide mailing list. If you are new to town and register to vote after the September deadline our office is responsible for mailing an absentee ballot to you for General Elections.

What offices will be on the ballots in 2025?

Before each election sample ballots can be found posted at the following locations in town: Town Clerk’s Office, Public Safety Building municipal bulletin board, & Village Post Office. For State/Federal Elections additional locations are Sylvester’s, & Jolley Store. Sample Ballots are also published online on the town website with official Election Warnings/Notice to voters. Offices to Be Elected in 2025:

Who is in office now?

To find our local legislators, click HERE

To see a list of statewide elected officials, click HERE

To see a list of Elected & Appointed Montgomery Town Officials click HERE

How do I run for a local office?

Montgomery is a “Floor Vote” town, Town Meeting Day occurs annually on the first Tuesday in March at the Town Hall. Towns that elect their local official officers at a floor meeting nominate candidates during Town Meeting, a voter will nominate the candidate, who can then accept or decline to run. For seats on local boards and commissions that are Appointed, you may indicate your interest to serve to the Chair of the Selectboard for consideration. Appointments are made at a regular Selectboard meeting after Town Meeting.

Montgomery Elementary, which is part of the Northern Mountain Valley Unified Union School District, conducts district business, election of officers, and budget approval by Australian ballot method on Town Meeting day.

For more information about local offices for school district candidates check out the Secretary of State-Elections Division

Still have questions?

Check for answers to other frequently asked election related questions on the Secretary of State’s website HERE or contact the Town Clerk: