Report a Road or Water Issue
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Official Municipal Website
Official Municipal Website
Due to the severe winds causing problematic snow drifting our offices will delay opening by 1hour this morning, Tuesday Feb 18th; this will ensure road crews the chance to clear drifts on roadways. Drive safely folks!
The Montgomery Town Library is seeking to hire a Construction Manager/or General Contractor
for plans to remodel and expand the Montgomery Town library located in the Town of
Montgomery Public Safety Building in Montgomery Center; including the addition of a new
entrance, bathroom, Library Director’s office, meeting rooms, outdoor spaces, closet and small
kitchen, as well as the installation of new energy efficient heating/cooling/air exchange systems.