Report a Road or Water Issue
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Official Municipal Website
Official Municipal Website
Due to the severe winds causing problematic snow drifting our offices will delay opening by 1hour this morning, Tuesday Feb 18th; this will ensure road crews the chance to clear drifts on roadways. Drive safely folks!
Official results for local elections and the school district have been issued by the Secretary of State.
Town Meeting Day will be held on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022.
Town Reports, Warnings, etc.
The latest annual town and school meeting documents will also be made available on the Annual Meetings page.
Proposed Town Charter (Draft)
View the latest draft of the proposed Montgomery Town Governance Charter, pending adoption March 1st, 2022:
Why are we voting by Australian Ballot?
At a duly warned Selectboard meeting, held on Jan. 17th, 2022 it was decided that voting this year for Town Meeting will be conducted by Australian Ballot, therefore all registered Montgomery voters may cast an official ballot in person to vote on Budget Articles and Elected Offices in town.
Authority given by the State Legislature per Act S.172, allows for Towns to make a temporary switch to Australian voting for 2022.
Will informational meetings be held?
The Selectboard will hold two public informational hearings via Zoom:
Ballots will be available starting Feb. 9th, 2022.
Option 1:
Request your ballot be mailed to your residence via phone, email, or using My Voter Page.
Please make your request as early as possible to ensure the ballot has ample time to get back to us by Election day.
The last day to request a ballot be mailed out is Feb. 24th.
Option 2:
Pickup your ballot during office hours and take it home with you.
You do not need to make an appointment to come in to pick up your ballot.
Note: You can only pick up your OWN ballot. You cannot by law pick up a ballot for anyone other than yourself. During pickup you may request a ballot for family members, and we will mail it to them.
Option 3:
Vote your ballot at the Town Office during office hours. Please note the last day to vote early in the Town Office is Feb. 28th.
Completed absentee ballots may be returned using any of the following methods:
Contact the Town Clerk:
Elizabeth Reighley
(802) 326-4719 ext. 202
Mon 9-6
Tues/Wed/Thurs 9-3
Fri 9-1