Report a Road or Water Issue
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Official Municipal Website
Official Municipal Website
A decision has been issued by the Zoning Administrator for the following permit on 12-6-24 for Wyman
The Town of Montgomery is seeking a motivated individual for full time employment as a Road Maintenance Worker.
Applications accepted until vacancy is filled. Open interviews subject to on-the-spot hiring. Please submit your application and resume with references to the Montgomery Town Clerk.
Please send paperwork to: P.O. Box 356, Montgomery Center, VT 05471. You may also submit documents electronically by emailing or by using our Town Office outdoor Dropbox (mounted on the left hand side of the front door at 86 Mountain Road).
Questions? Please call Road Commissioner Mark Brouillette at 802-309-8574