Election Results

  • Permit Notice

    A decision has been issued by the Zoning Administrator for the following permit on 12-6-24 for Wyman

Presidential Primary Results CLICK HERE

School District 2024 Results CLICK HERE

Secretary of State- Results

Annual Town Meeting-2024

Town Meeting Day: Annual Meeting Minutes Available HERE!

(minutes for this and prior year town meetings can be found under Government<Town Meetings)

Town Officials that were elected from the Floor on Tuesday March 5th:

Moderator: Jacob Racusin, 1 Year Term

Selectperson: Leanne Barnard, 2 Year term

Selectperson: Mark Brouillette, 3 Year term

Lister: James Walsh, 3 Year term

Lister: Merle Van Gieson, serving remainder 3 Year term

Collector of Delinquent Tax: Rob Barnard III, serving remainder 3 Year Term

Village Cemetery Commissioner: George Gabuzda, 5 Year term

Center Cemetery Commissioner: Cindy Gilchrist, 5 Year term

Library Trustee: Remi Gratton, 3 Year term

Library Trustee: Nicole Landreman, 3 Year term

Library Trustee: Carmen Carroll, 3 Year term

Fire Commissioner: Doug Kopacz, 2 Year term

Planning Commission: Patrick Calecas, 3 Year term

Planning Commission: Kim Morrill, 3 Year term