Report a Road or Water Issue
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Official Municipal Website
Official Municipal Website
Road Crew Alert: Montgomery folks! Please be aware that the garage is currently experiencing issues with some of the trucks- therefore you may experience some delays with the plowing schedule. While all roads are currently plowed and up to date as of today (1/3/25) please have patience and bear with them over the next few days as they work to resolve these issues as quickly as possible so they can get back to their normal routes.
When: Monday August 19th @ 7:00pm, PSB Conference Room
The Montgomery Selectboard, in consultation with our Municipal Highway Department, has been working to develop a long-range Strategic Planning tool to better inform regular maintenance, capital projects, and budgeting for town roads. As part of this process, the board has been asked to host a conversation around maple sugaring in the community and the potential impacts the activity has on town roads. Maple sugaring is a critical part of our State’s working lands sector and an important component to our rural farm and forest economy, and as such the board is strongly supportive of this activity in our community. However, given the seasonal nature of the work and when the biggest impacts associated with the transport of sap occur, there is potential for negative impacts to town roads simply due to their sensitivity during the spring season. Our hope is to have a collaborative and constructive conversation around these challenges so that we can better understand where the stress points are for producers, as well as for those who share the use of our municipal roads.
Join your Selectboard and local community members for a scheduled forum for discussion on Monday August 19th at 7:00pm at the Public Safety Building Conference Room. The meeting will also be accessible via zoom, so those wishing to participate remotely can join via the zoom link available on the meeting agenda, posted to the town website and available by end of day August 16th.
Please feel free to direct your questions to: A copy of the working draft strategic planning document is available for review under the ‘Public Works’ page or click HERE to view the draft. Feedback is welcome and encouraged!