Report a Road or Water Issue
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Scott Ovitt, Road Foreman
Town Garage: 802-326-4418
Road Emergency: 802-370-5650
Water Emergency: 802-309-8574
Official Municipal Website
Official Municipal Website
No notices are active
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Official results have been issued by the Secretary of State. Also available on the Annual Meetings page.
Town Meeting Day will be held on Tuesday March 2nd, 2021.
Town Reports, Warnings, etc.
The latest annual town and school meeting documents are available on the Annual Meetings page.
Physical Copies
Hardcopies of the Town Report will be available by Friday, Feb. 19 and available for pick-up at the School, Center Post Office, and the front porch of the Town Office during business hours.
Town Informational Meetings via Zoom
The Selectboard will hold two public informational hearings by electronic means.
Why these changes? What is different about Town Meeting this coming year?
At a duly warned Selectboard meeting, held on December 21st, 2020 it was decided that voting this year for Town Meeting will be conducted by Australian Ballot, therefore all registered Montgomery voters may cast an official ballot to vote on all Budget Articles and Elected Offices in town, with Informational Meeting(s) scheduled on Zoom prior to March 2nd.
The board has determined that, given the restrictions around public gatherings and the uncertainty of when we may be able to gather again in person, this is the safest alternative for Town Meeting 2021.
The decision to change to Australian ballot for Town Meeting is effective for ONLY 2021 due to COVID-19, under authority given by the State Legislature per Act 162, allowing for Towns to make a temporary switch to Australian style voting.
Montgomery will revert to our normal Floor Vote procedures next year.
Voting early/absentee — ballots available starting Feb. 10th, 2021.
Option 1:
Request your ballot be mailed to your residence via phone, email, or via the My Voter Page.
Please make your request as early as possible to ensure the ballot has ample time to get back to us by Election day.
Absentee ballots may be returned via USPS, our Dropbox, or you may return your ballot to an Election Official on Election Day March 2nd, 2021 up until the polls close at 7:00PM.
Option 2:
Pickup your ballot by appointment via curbside service. 802-326-4719 is the call-ahead number. You MUST call ahead for curbside pickup as our offices are still closed to the General Public for walk-in service per Executive Order from Gov Scott.
Please note: You can only pickup your OWN ballot you cannot by law pick up a ballot for anyone other than yourself — during pickup you may request a ballot for family members, and we will mail it to them.